Executive Coaching
I support leaders, c-suite executives and leadership talent from all backgrounds. My coaching approach rests on the adult development framework, integral development & proven leadership models.
Busy executives seek support at complex junctures professionally and people leaders at the beginning of their new leadership roles or when face a challenge.
At times, a sole focus on developmental work can be a challenge because of the psychological climate and procedural process. Therefore, to promote systemic developmental change, I involve line managers/leaders and sponsors; they support this work and be an ally for the person in the workplace.
One-to-One Coaching for Personal Development
Ever wondered what would it be like to identify the parts of you that are difficult, parts that act out? All of us have these personas that keep us tight and trigger us in many unhelpful ways.
An integral coach collaborates with their client to shift their state of being. They provide fresh perspective and support, and are not fixated on providing solutions. Rather they ask meaningful questions to produce insights and embolden clients in building capacity for a wholehearted approach to life, business, relationships, and leadership.
What is Inclusive Leadership (IL) and Leadership Embodiment (LE)?
The goal of Leadership Embodiment and Inclusion is to cultivate a culture of acceptance and celebration on the inside so that you can create one on the outside. Embodiment means taking skillful action so you can access your resilience, creativity, and innovation. Inclusion means developing an inner & outer landscape that celebrates intercultural differences diversity, inclusion and belonging. I believe that these two leadership qualities of IL and LE are intertwined.
In the words of one of my teachers, Jim Dethmer of Conscious Leadership:
“As long as you have unowned biases toward parts of yourself, you’ll have blind biases towards others in the world. The reality is that most of us have been trained to deny and disown many of the personas who live within us. We have learned to X them out, lock them away in some imaginary cellar.”
Quite often we are unaware of playing (in a drama triangle) a role of victim, villain, or a hero to external situations and this depletes energy.
Resistance to change causes stuckness, and yet the same resistance is an antidote to suffering provided we are willing to become curious about it. Collectively we can build a brave container where the leaders are free to identify those disowned parts and embody a truly inclusive leadership mindset.
What is Intercultural Effectiveness?
Working interculturally or internationally requires a shift from autopilot to being in present. Our current way of being to manage transition and uncertainty in an intercultural environment is to fix the problem which is clearly superficial. However, transition doesn’t have to be a crisis unless we want it to. Intercultural competencies (skills, knowledge, and attitude) are a necessary platform that can help people navigate through complexity.
Intercultural competencies help leaders sharpen their intercultural sensitivity, hone their intercultural communication skills, build diverse networks & manage uncertainty in many areas of their work, be it leading a diverse team in the home country or overseas, formulating a business strategy, or negotiating an international trade.
A question not asked is a door not opened.

Reach out for an introductory call about how my approach to coaching and consulting can meet your needs!