In my last coaching conversation with a senior leader, they reflected “Inclusion is not just gimmicky, there’s a path to follow and so, how to apply Inclusion in a fast-paced environment?” here are a few key pointers…..
- Create an environment where inclusion happens naturally. As you normalize it becomes a part of process. For example, in a fast-paced environment the need is to deliver quickly; timelines are priority, expediency is valued. Pause and ask yourself is this the only priority? Make diversity of ideas a priority and it is important, ignoring it, can be a high cost. So do a quick post-mortem, check-in with people! Ask, do we do things differently when there are tight timelines?
- Assess, do you leave out ideas/people? Evaluate how can you do things differently next time? Have periodic meetings where u have urgent deadlines; When you have more time, do a rigorous processing in your bilats/one on one or group discussions.
- In a virtual meeting, post a question on collaborative platforms (mentee meter/slack) and you create an opportunity to type in their answer; volume increases and you end up generating ideas faster; make use of slidos/slack; and use survey monkey/ similar touch platforms as follow up.
- If someone brings up ideas and you do not know, what to do with them, acknowledge their contribution and let people know that some of these can be short terms actions and others are more longer-term work planning, Most Importantly, show that there’s a path to follow; these are not just gimmicky…!